Free Vitamin D for Community Pharmacy staff
Dear Fellow Pharmacist
You may be familiar with Synergy Biologics as the manufacturer of the Pro D3 (vitamin D) and the SynBio supplement range. The Pro D3 brand is particularly suitable for those who have specific dietary requirements (vegan, vegetarian, allergens) or follow strict religious beliefs (halal, kosher, cruelty-free).
Public Health England has identified that supplementing with vitamin D is particularly important during this pandemic - for everyone, especially for the extremely vulnerable and people from a BAME background.
We feel that this is particularly important in light of the ongoing research being conducted at Queen Mary University London into the effects of vitamin D supplementation to Reduce Risk and Severity of COVID-19 and Other Acute Respiratory Infections (CORONAVIT).
We are proud to say that Pro D3 Vegan Vitamin D products are being used for this ground-breaking clinical trial.
Synergy Biologics would like to thank all community pharmacy staff for all their extraordinary efforts during these unprecedented times by offering a free pack of SynBio Weekly D3 Boost 7000IU Capsules (ten weeks supply) to every member of your pharmacy staff. Simply log into your account at SynBioPro.co.uk and order one pack of SynBio D3 Weekly Boost for each member of you staff (up to 12 packs per pharmacy) using the promo code ‘THANKS’ and we will dispatch this order to your Pharmacy free of charge and carriage-free (no additional purchase necessary). If you do not have an account with us, simply visit synbiopro.co.uk and register free-of-charge.
Kind regards and stay safe.
Robin Deb
Managing Director
Synergy Biologics